The Second Annual Great Breening Blogathon!


Ladies and Gentlemen, we now offer this year’s feature presentation!

The Second Annual Great Breening Blogathon!


The great day has finally arrived! Today marks the beginning of our second blogathon in honor of the Code Era in Hollywood and the man who made it all possible, Joseph I. Breen.

Breen Star Photo 2

We posted the original announcement for this blogathon on September 27. You can read this article here.

The Great Breening Blogathon 5

Last year, the Pure Entertainment Preservation Society hosted its first blogathon, The Great Breening Blogathon, in honor of Mr. Breen’s 129th birthday. The blogathon ran October 13-15, and it was a great success due to the participation of many talented writers. We discovered many new and different outlooks on and ideas about the Code. You can see the final roster for that blogathon here. We hope this year’s blogathon will be just as successful!

The Second Annual Great Breening Blogathon (4)

This Sunday, October 14, would have been our beloved mentor’s 130th birthday. We could not let this significant anniversary of his birth go by unrecognized. We decided to give this blogathon in his honor. We may not have many participants because of the late announcement, but we know that those of you who do submit articles will help us make this year’s blogathon a grand celebration.

Joseph Breen and the PCA

I’m sure many people find it strange that someone would host a blogathon about a topic as unpopular as the Code. Anyone who knows about the Pure Entertainment Preservation Society knows that we have made studying and praising the Code and its enforcers our project. We host this annual blogathon to invite others to join us. We don’t require everyone to love the Code as we do. We just invite our participants to look at the Code and Joe Breen a new way. You can’t really study classic Hollywood properly without mentioning the gentlemen pictured in the above photograph, the members of the Production Code Administration. It’s like trying to discuss the government of the United States without mentioning the Constitution. Good, bad, or indifferent, the Code played a huge role in classic Hollywood. We want more people to understand and appreciate that role.


There are two categories in this blogathon, Clean with Breen and Breening. Clean with Breen articles are about the Code, the Breen Era, of Mr. Breen himself. They can be about one film, one artist, a whole genre, or a general concept from the Breen Era. Breening articles are about classic films which were not Breen films. These articles explain how they could have been Code-compliant through the process of breening, Mr. Breen’s unique process of self-regulation.


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Now, with no further ado, we present the roster for The Second Annual Great Breening Blogathon! It is divided into the two categories. We shall continue to update it as articles are sent to us. Enjoy!

The Roster

Clean with Breen

  1. “The Sons and Daughters of Erin in Hollywood” for “The Second Annual Great Breening Blogathon” by Tiffany Brannan of PEPS
  2. “Picking up a Man on a Park bench: Breen or not breen?” for “The Second Annual Great Breening Blogathon” by Kathleen Vincenz
  3. “Censors Aren’t Lyricists” for “The Second Annual Great Breening Blogathon”  by Tiffany Brannan of PEPS
  4. “Mr. Breen Goes to the Village” for “The Second Annual Great Breening Blogathon” by Rebecca Deniston of Taking Up Room
  5. “PEPS’s Second Anniversary” for “The Second Annual Great Breening Blogathon” by Tiffany Brannan of PEPS
  6. “October 14, 1888: The Birthday of the Motion Picture and Its Greatest Contributor” for “The Second Annual Great Breening Blogathon” by Tiffany Brannan of PEPS


  1. Breening “Rasputin and the Empress” from 1932 for “The Second Annual Great Breening Blogathon” by Tiffany Brannan of PEPS
  2. Breening “Caesar and Cleopatra” (1945): “Mr. Breen Goes to England!” for “The Second Annual Great Breening Blogathon” by Rebekah Brannan of PEPS

Join The Claude Rains Blogathon!

Follow us to bring back the Code and save the arts in America!

We are lifting our voices in classical song to help the sun rise on a new day of pure entertainment!

Only the Code can make the sun rise on a new day of pure entertainment!

11 thoughts on “The Second Annual Great Breening Blogathon!

  1. Pingback: Genre Grandeur – Rasputin and the Empress (1932) – Pure Entertainment Preservation Society |

  2. Pingback: Clean with Breen: “October 14, 1888: The Birthday of the Motion Picture and Its Greatest Contributor” for “The Second Annual Great Breening Blogathon” & “The October Birthdayz Blogathon” – Tiffany Brannan | pu

  3. Pingback: Final Notice about “The Second Annual Great Breening Blogathon” | pure entertainment preservation society

  4. Pingback: “The Code Puts ‘Music in My Heart’” for “100 Years of Rita Hayworth Blogathon” | pure entertainment preservation society

  5. Pingback: Mr. Breen Goes To the Village – Taking Up Room

  6. Pingback: “Censors Aren’t Lyricists” for “The Second Annual Great Breening Blogathon” – Tiffany Brannan | pure entertainment preservation society

  7. Pingback: Breening “Rasputin and the Empress” from 1932 for “The Second Annual Great Breening Blogathon” – Tiffany Brannan | pure entertainment preservation society

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